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-   -   ::::: تعلـــم كيـــف تطــفئ جهــازك بعـــد وقــت معيـــن :::::: (http://forum.arabiaweather.com/showthread.php?t=2105)

AHMAD KittANeH 02-25-2009 11:46 AM

::::: تعلـــم كيـــف تطــفئ جهــازك بعـــد وقــت معيـــن ::::::
تعلم كيف تطفئ جهازك بعد وقت معين انت تحدده بدون برامج.

الطريقة سهلة وبسيطة ومفيدة جدا ..

لنفترض مثلا إنك كنت تقوم بعمل تنزيل من النت

وهذا التنزيل ينتهي بعد ساعة مثلا وانت مستعجل

وتريد بعد الانتهاء من عملية التنزيل ان يقوم جهاز الكمبيوتر

باطفاء نفسه بنفسه و تكون متأكد بان النت تم فصله

وجهاز الكمبيوتر تم أطفاءه بشكل سليم..

الطريقة كالتالي....

اضغط على ابدأ star

بعدها على أمر run

نكتب الأمر التالي كما هو:

shutdown -s -t 3600

مع مراعاة الفراغ بين الحروف.

علما بأن الرقم 3600 عبارة عن ساعة كاملة أي ستون دقيقة

و هذه هي المدة المحددة لاطفاء الجهاز...

طبعا تستطيع أن تزيد المدة أو تنقصها حسب تقديرك و ظروفك.

ملاحظة :

المدة تحسب بالثواني -- يعنى الساعة = 60 دقيقة.

و الدقيقة 60 ثانية -- يعني الساعة = 3600 ثانية.

واذا مثلا تريد بعد ساعتين ان ينطفيء الجهاز

3600×2=7200 – وهكذا

بعد كتابة الأمر السابق وتنفيذه يظهر لك مربع

يبين لك كم بقي من الوقت على اطفاء جهازك

( بالساعة و الدقيقة و الثانية )

الان -- لنفترض إنك تريد الغاء الامر هذا قبل أن ينطفئ الجهاز

وتريد المتابعة في عملك .

الطريقة كالتالي....

اضغط على ابدأ star

بعدها على أمر run

نكتب الأمر التالي كما هو

shutdown -a

و بهذا نكون قد ألغينا عملية ال shutdown للجهاز...

احمد كتـــــــــــــــانة

Ibrahim Khlifat 02-25-2009 11:57 AM

رد: ::::: تعلـــم كيـــف تطــفئ جهــازك بعـــد وقــت معيـــن ::::::
:sgsgsggrs: على المعلومه المفيده

وراح اجربها مشكوووووووووووووووور

Mutaz Al-Hanouty 02-25-2009 12:24 PM

رد: ::::: تعلـــم كيـــف تطــفئ جهــازك بعـــد وقــت معيـــن ::::::
مشكور اخ احمد على الطريقة الحلوة .....

بس الفراغات بالزبط وين ؟؟؟

yuio047o 03-01-2009 10:06 PM

talking sense
"More?" laughed Harry. "More than the two that attacked us, you mean? Of course there are hundreds, maybe thousands by this time, seeing as they feed off fear and despair\a151""All right, all right blustered," blustered Vernon Dursley. "You've made your point -""I hope so," said Harry, "because once I'm seventeen, all of them - Death Eaters, elementors, maybe even Inferi - which means dead bodies enchanted by a Dark wizard - will be able to find you and will certainly attack you. And if you remember the last time you tried to outrun wizards, I think you'll agree you need help."There was a brief silence in which the distant echo of Hagrid smashing down a wooden front door seemed to reverberate through the intervening years. Aunt Petunia was looking at Uncle Vernon; Dudley was staring at Harry. Finally Uncle Vernon blurted out, "But what about my work? What about Dudley's school? I don't suppose those things matter to a bunch of layabout wizards -""Don't you understand?" shouted Harry. "\iThey will torture and kill you like they did my parents!"\i"Dad," said Dudley in a loud voice, "Dad - I'm going with these Order people.""Dudley," said Harry, "for the first time in your life, you're talking sense."He knew the battle was won. If Dudley was frightened enough to accept the Order's help, his parents would accompany him. There could be no question of being separated from their Duddykins. Harry glanced at the carriage clock on the mantelpiece.Harry led them all back into the kitchen where wow gold, laughing and chattering, they settled on chairs, buy cheap wow dold, sat themselves upon Aunt Petunia's gleaming work surfaces, or leaned up against her spotless appliances; Ron, long and lanky; Hermione wow gold, her bushy hair tied back in a long plait lord of the rings gold; Fred and George, grinning identically; Bill, badly scarred and long-haired; Mr. Weasley, kind-faced, balding, his spectacles a little awry; Mad-Eye, battle-worn, one-legged, his bright blue magical eye whizzing in its socket; Tonks, whose short hair was her favorite shade of bright pink; Lupin, grayer, more lined; Fleur, slender and beautiful, with her long silvery blonde hair; Kingsley, bald and broad-shouldered; Hagrid, with his wild hair and beard WOW Power leveling, standing hunchbacked to avoid hitting his head on the ceiling; and Mundungus Fletcher, small, dirty, and hangdog, with his droopy beady hound's eyes and matted hair. Harry's heart seemed to expand and glow at the sight: Hefelt incredibly fond of all of them, even Mundungus wow gold, whom he had tried to strangle the last time they had met. Harry looking for wow gold at the world..."They'll be here in about five minutes, he said, and when one of the Dursleys replied, he left the room. The prospect of parting\a151probably forever - from his aunt, uncle, and cousin was one that he was able to contemplate quite cheerfully but there was nevertheless a certain awkwardness in the air. What did you say to one another at the end of sixteen years' solid dislike?

anas odah 03-02-2009 01:23 PM

رد: talking sense

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة yuio047o (المشاركة 53034)
"More?" laughed Harry. "More than the two that attacked us, you mean? Of course there are hundreds, maybe thousands by this time, seeing as they feed off fear and despair\a151""All right, all right blustered," blustered Vernon Dursley. "You've made your point -""I hope so," said Harry, "because once I'm seventeen, all of them - Death Eaters, elementors, maybe even Inferi - which means dead bodies enchanted by a Dark wizard - will be able to find you and will certainly attack you. And if you remember the last time you tried to outrun wizards, I think you'll agree you need help."There was a brief silence in which the distant echo of Hagrid smashing down a wooden front door seemed to reverberate through the intervening years. Aunt Petunia was looking at Uncle Vernon; Dudley was staring at Harry. Finally Uncle Vernon blurted out, "But what about my work? What about Dudley's school? I don't suppose those things matter to a bunch of layabout wizards -""Don't you understand?" shouted Harry. "\iThey will torture and kill you like they did my parents!"\i"Dad," said Dudley in a loud voice, "Dad - I'm going with these Order people.""Dudley," said Harry, "for the first time in your life, you're talking sense."He knew the battle was won. If Dudley was frightened enough to accept the Order's help, his parents would accompany him. There could be no question of being separated from their Duddykins. Harry glanced at the carriage clock on the mantelpiece.Harry led them all back into the kitchen where wow gold, laughing and chattering, they settled on chairs, buy cheap wow dold, sat themselves upon Aunt Petunia's gleaming work surfaces, or leaned up against her spotless appliances; Ron, long and lanky; Hermione wow gold, her bushy hair tied back in a long plait lord of the rings gold; Fred and George, grinning identically; Bill, badly scarred and long-haired; Mr. Weasley, kind-faced, balding, his spectacles a little awry; Mad-Eye, battle-worn, one-legged, his bright blue magical eye whizzing in its socket; Tonks, whose short hair was her favorite shade of bright pink; Lupin, grayer, more lined; Fleur, slender and beautiful, with her long silvery blonde hair; Kingsley, bald and broad-shouldered; Hagrid, with his wild hair and beard WOW Power leveling, standing hunchbacked to avoid hitting his head on the ceiling; and Mundungus Fletcher, small, dirty, and hangdog, with his droopy beady hound's eyes and matted hair. Harry's heart seemed to expand and glow at the sight: Hefelt incredibly fond of all of them, even Mundungus wow gold, whom he had tried to strangle the last time they had met. Harry looking for wow gold at the world..."They'll be here in about five minutes, he said, and when one of the Dursleys replied, he left the room. The prospect of parting\a151probably forever - from his aunt, uncle, and cousin was one that he was able to contemplate quite cheerfully but there was nevertheless a certain awkwardness in the air. What did you say to one another at the end of sixteen years' solid dislike?

اخي الكريم لم افهم ردك جيدا هل هذه قصة مثلا :a7tg2[1]:
وبالنسبة لصاحب الموضوع شكرا لك:SnipeR20(96):

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